
The Real Harm of Fake Service Dogs

Service dogs are one of the many beneficial aids when dealing with disabilities or mental health issues. They help guide and support the owner through various tasks and are specialized in training for emergency situations. In recent years, fake service dogs have become an increasing issue due to the ability to bring pets anywhere once they are documented for service.

According to U.S. Federal law and ADA, you are only qualified for a service dog if you are legally disabled, otherwise it is a crime. Disabilities may come in different forms but service dogs are specifically trained to help the functioning of their owner. Service dogs are not intended to keep one satisfied through company or enjoyment. They go through thousands of hours of training to benefit the lives of those who truly need them.

Not all dogs, even those who are highly skilled, can become service pets which is why it is important for them to graduate from their training courses. One cannot disrespect a service dog vest by placing it on a dog that does not qualify for helping those with disabilities. If the dog causes a scene in a public place because of the lack of training and skill, the service dog community may be publicly hurt and not taken seriously. If the service dogs are not specialized or trained they may also propose a threat to their handlers as well as other people. It is important to take service dog training seriously and to abide by the standards of obtaining one.

The service dog community works hard to ensure that those who have disabilities may receive the help they need. It is a mockery to the community to obtain fake service dogs for selfish reasons because service dogs provide real help to real disabilities.