
The Hearts of Gold program educates students and volunteer handlers in training methods as well as the scientific principles behind the use of those methods.  In this way, the students and volunteers will develop an understanding of how to train, not just a “recipe-style” format of training.

Listed below are our current courses open to the community and offered through West Virginia University.

Canine Basics Online Community Workshop (non-credit)

There is overwhelming advice out there for pet owners – some good and some bad. How do you know which to follow? This online course provides a foundation to the most advanced, modern, scientifically-supported approaches to dog handling and training.

Canine Basics presents an overview of canine development, health, and behavior. The student will learn the fundamentals of all things dog, from how they see the world and communicate, to the fundamentals of the most advanced behavior training techniques.

Individuals completing this course successfully will be able to better understand and provide for their canine family members. They will be prepared to further their dog handling and training skills. Successful completion of the online instruction will be a prerequisite for other hands-on practice with Hearts of Gold.

More Information and Registration

AVS 276: Service Dog Training, 3 credits

In this online introductory course, students gain knowledge about behavior analysis, canine behavior problems, assessment and treatment for common canine behavior problems, types of service dogs and laws, canine health and development, and canine cognition.

AVS 277: Service Dog Training Lab, 1 credit

Students apply the knowledge learned in AVS 276 to train and care for program-owned dogs in lab and on public outings.

Prerequisite: A&VS 276

AVS 476: Animal-Assisted Interventions, 3 credits

In this advanced course, students will learn about animal-assisted interventions and assist in developing and implementing a community service project using the Hearts of Gold service dogs as a therapeutic modality.

Prerequisite: A&VS 276

Students may foster a dog in advanced courses, but are NOT required.

AVS 486: Animal Learning, 3 credits

In this advanced course, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the basic principles as they relate to dog training and behavior management.

Prerequisite: A&VS 276

Students may foster a dog in advanced courses, but are NOT required.

AVS 490: Teaching Practicum, 1-3 credits

Teaching assistants will be responsible for delivering instruction in AVS 277 during laboratory training sessions. They may also assist the instructor with grading, lectures, community events, developing and implementing behavior problem interventions, fundraising, and general programmatic needs of the organization.

Prerequisite: A&VS 276

Students may foster a dog in advanced courses, but are NOT required.

Hearts of Gold also offers opportunities through Psychology 491 capstone experiences and MDS classes.