but make our lives whole.

that loves you more than he loves himself

over 300 words for love in canine?

Service Dog Program for Veterans
We are NOT currently accepting applications. Please check back later.
As part of our mission of education, research and training, Hearts of Gold places service dogs with veterans that have mobility or psychiatric disabilities. Mobility and Psychiatric Service Dogs can perform a number of commands after their 2-year training, dependent on client need.
NOTE: Hearts of Gold does not place dogs with people under 18 and does not currently train dogs owned outside of the organization. Hearts of Gold trains its own dogs.
Learn of our eligibility requirements for a Hearts of Gold Service dog.
Take our eligibility survey here.
Learn the difference between Service dogs and emotional support dogs.
Frequently asked questions regarding eligibility requirements, process, and additional info.
Hearts of Gold occasionally releases service dogs in training to individuals in the community as a pet. These dogs will be posted on our Facebook page. If you see a released dog you are interested in, please email us at morgantownheartsofgold@
For More Information:
Contact us:
WVU Hearts of Gold
45 Poultry Loop
Morgantown, WV 26505